Thursday, January 14, 2010


Over the past 11 days since my last post I have noticed alot of things that I would now like to share with the internet as well as some possile theories about stuff.

1. Michigan is cold. I have been here for 17 days so far and honestly, I havent seen my penis is a week and a half. I get it mother Nature, its winter, but you don't have to keep bitching about it.

2. Squirrels are liers. Yesterday I saw a squirrel. Why the fuck was a squirrek out in the winter? Should they be lining the insides of people's houses, cars and jackets to keep them warm?

3. If its not broke, don't fix it. Incidently, this one turned to my advantage. There was this lamp in my room I was trying to fix, but it wasn't broken. So, I broke it and now its fixed.

4. Goku is a little girl. "Hey guys, I don't think we can win. Go get yourselves killed so I can fly in with the spirit bomb, save the day and be the hero." First of all, if he knew the spirit bomb will ALWAYS kill his opponent then why not use it in the beginning?

5. A friend of mine brought it to my attention that God does things just for the "lulz" such as bringing Jesus back with the dragon balls. Are we to assume that satan is Frieza?

6.If the pen is mightier than the sword, why not just use a gun? I mean, shoot the bitch before pen reaches paper

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