I thought there would be some really good Easter specials on TV today, but as I type this I am currently watching Starship Troopers. (Just as I typed this line, a 10 foot tall flying bug just swooped in and bit this guy's dick off). You know, this movie is nothing like the book I pretended to read. That being said, I think all of you people should watch this movie. There is one scene with Neil Patrick Harris shooting a bug but clearly this was before he was gay. Those of you who don't remember, NPH played Doogie Howser on a show of the same name in the early 1990's. In Starship Troopers, he is still a doctor, just a little bit more bad ass. Also, there is this name character named Rico but he isn't important.
Really? No one saw it coming?
Anyway, I have to go finish watch this movie. If I haven't killed myself I might write a review on it later. Don't get your hopes up though.
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