Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Its that time of year again. Ghosts and Ghouls are out and about and that means only one thing: FREE CANDY.

I hope you guys are in your scariests costumes because some people really suck. Like this one guy that went as the invisible man. Everything went well until he told me to get his wasn't his flashlight.

I know there are alot of parties happening but don't get too drunk guys. Stay safe while you're out there trick-or-treatining. Also remember to brush your teeth or no one will kiss you. And if no one kisses you, that makes you a loser. Then you're a loser on halloween. But I digress. Also, its the wiccan holiday of Samhain. So if you're a wiccan dont forget to thank your gods for the harvest. If you're a Christian, have fun with yelling at the wiccans for not believing in the same god. Whatever you do, HAVE FUN. Now, here's a Michael Jackson song

Friday, October 30, 2009


Hey guys, How are things?

Its the end of another work week. You know what that means; two whole days of getting lucky...or video games. I really don't know yet. Also, Halloween tomorrow. I am thinking of either going as Miley Cyrus, a Republican, or Gigi: The world's scariest drag queen.

I thought I would share a video with you guys. It's a parody of one of my favorite MJ songs. Please enjoy :-)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Thirsday

Well guys, today is thursday and you know what that means. It's porn night.

But in on seriousness, this post won't have much jokes in it.

I would like to talk to you guys about mental health. As a person that suffers from two fairly difficult mental issue, I must give the following advise.

1. Take a break - When you work for extended periods of time, your stress hormones build up. Take regular breaks to prevent this from happening.

2. Be well rested - When your body is well rested you are able to handle stress and anxiety better. Make sure you get 6 ~ 8 hours of sleep as much as possible. Naps are a plus too.

3. Eat well - When you are properly fed, you body works at its best. Make sure you drink plent of water too.

4. Talk to a friend - Its always better to get things out. It makes you feel like you're not alone and it prevents tension. Sometimes its just good to have someone listen.

5. Medical help - Don't be afraid to see a shrink. They know how to help you and they can provide extra resources for your benefit.

6. Take your medicine - Even missing a single dose can have devastating effects. Remember, there is a reason you are on the meds in the first place.

7. Exercise - Exercise reduces stress hormones and increases happiness hormones. Not to mention it can help you get that sexy six pack you always wanted

8. Say No - Some people like to help others too much. Just say no sometimes and you wont overload yourself

9. Enjoy life - Some people like to be serious all the time. Thats no good. Remember to have fun and play.

Remember guys, the people that is most important to you is you. Take care and good mental health.

I spelt thursday wrong.....Maybe I should have a drink

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Greatest Compound ever

So I decided that I am going to delete that last post and put this one up. This is about my favorite compound. Francium Flouride. The most ionic thing EVAR.

First, lets talk about Francium. It is the most electro-positive element we know. It has one valence electron that has to hold on for dear life. When Francium is placed into water or acid, it generates so much hydrogen and so much heat that it fricken explodes. I mean come on, how is that not cool. The bad news is there is only about 25grams of it in the earths crust at anyone time. Also, all isotopes are radioactive. I MUST PUT ON MY LEAD SUITS

Now Florine, my favorite halogen. Flourine loves electrons. Mix it with a metal and it will oxidize that sucker to its highest state. Its like asking Mike Tyson to punch Mother Teresa in the face. Bitch is going down.

Though I have never seen it, and it probably has never existed yet, I think that Francium Flouride is the greatest compond ever

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Tuesday Everyone

It's another glorious day. Some of us are at work trying to get that paper made and some of us are home trying to relax. I wonder if there is a way I can work from home so I never have to put on pants. Not like it matters, I'll still be late for work.

Ok, so I am going to start today off by talking about one of my favorite songs, "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"

First off, I really like this song.....but why did the devil go there? Is Georgia just full of heathens and sinners that are ripe for the picking? If I was the devil I would pick somewhere like New Brunswick or Ohio.

Second, who is this Johnny guy and why is he so good at the fiddle? That doesn't make any sense. Why was the king of demons beaten by some hick kid ? If you ask me, the devil should has picked an easier contest like cycling or archery....or causing the fall of mankind. You would think that the devil would have background information on people he was going after.

Thricly, if the devil was in such a bind for new souls then why didn't he just take the guys soul anyway? I mean really, it doesn't matter, you're the freaking devil. I guess this is why the Fairness in Hell Act of 2275 is all about. Oh Well.

In short, I really like this song and the devil is a moron

Now, here is a Futurama song

Monday, October 26, 2009

The End of Day One

And so my friends, we reach the end of day one. I hope that you have enjoyed my one story from the past and I pray to the great Spigalini that you continue to grace my blog with your presence.

Remember now, this is only the beginning. I promise that subsequent post will be hilarious....or sexy, I don't know which yet. There will be posts from various places on the internet and I will see you guys tomorrow.

As you leave, please enjoy the following image.

This one time in Chem class

Ok, this post is about a fun time I had in Chemistry class when I was a high school senior. Before I start I should mention that they way our school system works is you pick a set of classes in 10th grade and stick with them through the 12th grade, you know, in preparation for college.

So anyway, this one time when I was a senior, I was in my Chemistry class. The thing about this class was it was very easy and I was finished with the class by the end of 11th grade. So there I was, a senior sitting in class, and I had nothing to do. So I decided that I would have some fun with electrolysis. I wanted to make me some Sodium Hydroxide and I knew that if I had some concentrated Sodium Chloride, it would only be a matter of fining a power source to complete my circuit. I also thought it would be a good idea if I could capture the Chlorine gas that would eventually be produced.

As class was going on I decided it was time to start my experiment. Everything was going fine until after about 10 minutes, the Chlorine gas that was being produced started to come out faster than my ventilation system would allow (and by ventilation system I mean I opened the windows). When this happened, there was a lovely yellow-green haze coming from my experiment. I had to stop my fun and quickly turn on all the remaining fans. This happened at the chorus of a few of my classmates and the teacher coughing from the chlorine gas that now diffused through the room. This is what happend when you have a very crappy ventilation system and fail to seal all the connections properly.

I learned a good lesson that day: Never try to make Sodium Hydroxide with 12 other people in the room and without proper ventilation. It wasn't safe, but it sure was fun

A New Day

Following in the footsteps of a good friend, I decided to join the blogosphere (or whatever the hell they call it these days). I am going to attempt to entertain you guys with magic and my overactive imagination....and some science.

I don't know how I am going to do this, but I hope to get in some good stuff before my ADHD kicks in and I never update this website again. I will be using material from different places on the interwebs as well as my own folk-style rantings about life.....and science.

So sit back, relax and enjoy as I take you on an exciting journey through my head. Not to mention a dose of science now and then (I am such a nerd).

INTERNET, Here I come.