Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving Day. Unlike America, this is not a holiday in my country, therefore I am at work. stupid government. Anyway, I hope everyone has a fun Thanksgiving. So many turkeys have been slaughtered for this occasion. But unlike you heartless morons, I had lobster for lunch today with cheesecake for dessert. :-)

Speaking of saving turkeys, the Obama kids decided that they don't want to kill the turkey that was going to be on thier plate. So, President Obama pardoned the turkey......This put the turkey with others such as president Nixon who was also pardoned for whatever the hell he did. The thing is, there are starving children all over the world that would eat that turkey, but they felt sorry. BOO-fricken-HOO. Those girls need to grow some balls. JK, oh well, I hope they enjoy thier dinner today. YOUR DOING GOOD MISTER PRESIDENT...I think.

Well, I hope everyone enjoys the rest of thier Thanksgiving and are able to wake up from thier Tryptophan/Serotonin induced coma for work tomorrow. PEACE OUT ERRY'BODY

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