Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday? Really? Again?

Well you people, its Tuesday again. If you're anything like my doctor, you might bitch at me today. I have no idea why she does that, but it always happens around the same time every month. What happens in women's bodies that make them so emo? I will never understand it.

Ok, so today while I was getting ready for work, I decided to go do some black guy stuff on the internet and I found a hilarious video from the popular movie "Pulp Fiction". This is the scene when Samuel Jackson gets pissed for no reason at all.

I think this is my favorite movie scene of all time...well, except for that one porno scene. Backdoor Ladies Vol. 136 is probably the greatest movie ever, but I digress.

Sam Jackson is possible the blackest person ever (Wesley Snipes, Mr. T and Madonna come close) and it's awesome. So anyway, in this scene Sam is interviewing so random guy and he decided to be a bit egotistical, and by egotistical I mean he scared the shit out of this guy. My favorite line has to be," Did he look like a bitch?" Pure genius. At the end Sam gets a bit biblical and...well, you gotta see for yourself.


Go visit James Harper at www.somewhatfunnythings.blogspot.com . If you don't then I will kill your house, burn down your family and send your pet to Ohio. You really don't want your pet in Ohio, trust me.

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